About Skinnyfish Music

Skinnyfish Music is a Darwin-based company which records and promotes the work of indigenous musicians. The fundamental philosophy behind this business is to empower indigenous Australians to generate and pursue their own creative and economic activity.

Established in 1999 by Mark Grose (Managing Director) and Michael Hohnen (Creative Director), Skinnyfish Music works in partnership with artists and their communities to produce music by, about and for them, and to take their music to the wider world.

The company’s aim is to provide opportunities for and to nurture the talents of artists who hail from communities across Australia and the region from Timor to Tasmania – through recording, distribution, publishing and performance.

Skinnyfish Music recognises the value of music for its beauty and ability to bring people together to affect positive change in people and entire communities; its role in recording and preserving language; and its expression of traditional and modern culture. Through the highest level of artistic endeavour and quality production, Skinnyfish is committed to presenting the music from indigenous Australia to national and international audiences.

As music is increasingly recognised as a vehicle for communication and engagement, Skinnyfish has a strong emphasis on training and community development projects in the homelands of its artists. Through special projects such as song-writing workshops, video clip production and performance, important messages about health, education and wellbeing are conveyed through music. These projects form an essential part of Skinnyfish Music’s belief that music can be used as an agent for change in remote communities.

Skinnyfish is committed to building long term relationships with musicians, their families and communities; and connecting with Australian and international artists, private organisations, government departments and many other associations which have significant influence on indigenous communities.

Skinnyfish Music strives to maximise the positive impact that music can have on people’s lives while providing a window to the richness of indigenous Australian culture.