The Cloud Maker

The Cloud Maker is a collective of female creatives. This project gathers together their own strengths and takes on the powerful themes inspired from the goddesses from each of their cultures. Channelling ancient tales of fierce battles, shaman dances, journeys to the after-life, and a moth goddess singing the most beautiful song of all time, The Cloud Maker harnesses the power of these archetypal stories to transport listeners across time and space. 

The Cloud Maker began on the snowy peaks of Canada, where Te Kahureremoa Taumata, Sunny Kim and Aviva Endean met on a residency at The Banff Centre in 2019. Meeting in a wooden hut, surrounded by the majestic mountainous forest, Te Kahureremoa shared the story of the Maori moth goddess Raukatauri, the creation story of the Putorino, a cocoon shaped flute, and just one of the Taonga Pūoro that Taumata plays. Each figure in the story was accompanied by their own unique sound on the flute, and together we began to imagine a wealth of music that we could make drawing influence from folkloric stories. 


The Godly River single

The Godly River




Shaman Dance

Shaman Dance





